Smoky Cauliflower Cauliettes Hash with Baked Eggs

Have you tried TrendY cauliflower cauliettes or cauliflower rice? All over the country packages of chopped cauliflower are popping up on grocery shelves!
When I found MANN'S Culinary Cuts Cauliflower Cauliettes at ALDI's, a grocery store that just opened walking distance from my home, I quickly tossed a package in my shopping cart. The cauliettes are versatile, easy to use, nutritious and delicious! Pre-chopped cauliflower can be used for rice pilaf, fried rice, risotto, mashed, or added raw to any dish for crunch. You can even bake cookies or make mock Tater Tots with pre-chopped cauliflower! Oh my, the list goes on.
My family really enjoyed this dish for breakfast...YES....cauliflower for breakfast! Team up the cauliflower with some Happy Eggs and you have a very nutritious breakfast!
Smoky Cauliflower Cauliettes Hash with Baked Eggs INGREDIENTS: 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 package (14 ounce) MANN'S Culinary Cuts Cauliflower Cauliettes 1 teaspoon ground smoked paprika 3/4 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic 1 Anaheim pepper, chopped 1/2 large jalapeños, chopped 3 green onions, chopped, white and greens separated 1/2 tablespoon water 1/2 tablespoon fresh lime 1/2 cup chopped cilantro 4 large Happy Eggs Eggs salt and pepper to taste
PREHEAT oven to 375°F.
MELT coconut oil, over medium-high heat, in a cast iron skillet. Add cauliflower, paprika, sea salt, and granulated garlic. COOK stirring frequently 2 minutes.
ADD Anaheim pepper, jalapeños, and white onions. COOK stirring frequently 3 minutes. ADD water, cover and steam 3-minutes or until desired tenderness.
ADD lime juice, cilantro and onion greens, stir, and make 4 wells (nests for eggs). Carefully pour one egg into each well. BAKE 6-10 minutes or until desired doneness of eggs. Salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with cilantro and green onions. Serves 4.

Don't forget the HappY EggS ~ they make me merry because their YolKs are super rich and TasTy!