Salsa Pork Meatballs with Fresh Salsa Queso Dip
A fun and easy game day or holiday appetizer featuring Sam’s Fresh Salsa; Salsa Pork Meatballs with Fresh Salsa Queso Dip! This recipe...
Sam's Fresh Salsa Black Bean Soup
A healthy black bean soup recipe that is super easy to make because Sam’s Fresh Salsa does all of the chopping! Cuban spices give added...
Pie Crust Shrimp Calzone
A flaky pie crust calzone that is filled with shrimp, bacon, green pepper creamy coriander cheese sauce. Wick’s Pie Dough Circles makes...
Spiced & Sweet Smoked Pork Riblets
Thank you to Primo Ceramic Grills for sponsoring this post! Surprise! Holidays aren’t only for turkey and prime rib! Spiced & Sweet Pork...
Sticky Sriracha Smoked Pork Belly Burnt Ends
Smoked Pork Belly Burnt Ends on a tray with tangerines, limes, mint, and cherry. Attractive appetizer!
Best Smoked Chuck Roast Chili Ever!
This post is a collaboration with Primo Ceramic Grills. I received compensation, but all opinions are my own. I must say, this is the...
Easy Shrimp Wonton Appetizer
Game Day, any day, Cinco de Maya or any holiday; a tantalizing shrimp and guacamole topped wonton crisp is always going to score high points
Smoked Meatballs Stuffed Mini Super-Bowls
Smoked meatballs are always a favorite because they are easy to prepare and smoke on the Primo Ceramic Grill.
Salsa Verde Aussie Grassfed Ground Beef Empanadas
In partnership with Aussie Grassfed Beef! If you have hung out in my kitchen you have definitely enjoyed my tomatillo salsa verde! Many...